Friday, July 01, 2005

Two stories that demonstrate the battle of truth vs. "balance" is not going well -- one high profile, the other lost in the din over Justice O'Conner. The quiet story: The capitulation of the National Parks Service to right-wing groups protesting footage in an educational video shown at the Lincoln Memorial. The footage shows brief clips of African-American, women and gay rights protests. No doubt the video will be re-edited to either excise the footage or add, as one fundamentalist spokesperson said in the AP story, "footage of Promise Keepers" (an equally oppressed minority throughout American history). The bigger story, of course, was TIME Magazine's cave on the Miller case. If the institutions of journalism continue to concede what little First Amendment rights remain to them, truth will lose. TIME's editorial and reportorial staff should walk out the front door and not come back until their ownership recognizes its social and constitutional responsibilities might require some expense in legal fees from time to time.


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